Saturday, September 28, 2013

Spanish/Children Beyond Our Borders -Creative

This past weekend Spanish Club and Children Beyond Our Borders Club(CBOB) did a joint party in which our goal was to raise money for the children in Colombia while celebrating Colombian culture. We spent almost two weeks planning this event. In our first meeting we discussed what date would be best to have the party. Lots of factors effected this: if the club officers would be available that day, if there was any big social event that day which could interfere and if our chosen venue would be available. We finally decided that September 21st 2013 which was a Saturday. Although that was the same day as the college football game, it was our only open spot to have a party in the month of September. On the 13th I contacted my neighborhood association inquiring if my neighborhood clubhouse would be available to be used all day for the party. On the 16th I talked with the  Spanish Club president and on the 17th I talked to the CBOB president and we talked about what each officer needs to bring regarding food and utensils. The next day I contacted another member of Spanish club and we organized how we would get a sound system to the party so that we would be able to play Colombian music.  We had different people bring in plates that the guests could eat.
The day of the party we got to the clubhouse early and set up the tables for the food and the music system. Since it was a combined party between the two clubs, we decided with the officers of CBOB that to raise money for the children in Colombia we would have every one of the guests bring $3 with them so that they can eat. Once everyone began arriving we realized that  having it the same day as the Florida football game might have been problematic since some people had to arrive late. I enjoyed it a lot since we got play music and dance. The party was a great opportunity for all of us to experience more Hispanic culture in a comfortable and fun environment while raising money for the children in Colombia.

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